My other favourite thing to do, is to have the pleasure of naming babies. Nothing is better than naming a baby of one of my couples that I have previously married. I am so lucky to share special life moments in some families and feel like I am part of their unit.
There are so many great ideas that you can have at your baby's naming. You could have a time capsule to be opened at their 18th or 21st, with newspaper clippings from the day they were born, a cd of the music that was popular, a coin collection or anything that was of interest on their birthdate.
A sand ceremony to symbolise the family unit. Siblings can have a different colour, the parents can blend their sand and have another colour to symbolise the baby.
Another lovely gift to give a child when they are older, is a wish box. When family and friends arrive at the ceremony, they can write a wish, or a message to the baby which can also given to them at their 18th or 21st. Another special thing would be to have a photo of your baby in one of the frames where the family and guests can write on it. Planting a shrub or tree, the ideas are endless.
I would give you lots of information and help you to make your baby or child's day very special.